
Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 81 Agenda

timbeiko opened this issue ยท 23 comments

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 81 Agenda


  1. Eligibility for Inclusion (EFI) EIP Review
    1. EIP-2200 Change
    2. EIP-1962 Updates
    3. EIP-2315
    4. EIP-2242
    5. @adlerjohn's other topics
    6. EIP-1057: ProgPoW
  2. Next Upgrade Timing
  3. Open RPC
  4. Testing updates
  5. EIPIP Meeting No. 3 Updates
    1. EIP-1 PR #1
    2. EIP-1 PR #2
    3. Adding a section of 'Motivation' to Meta EIP of upgrade
  6. Review previous decisions made and action items (if notes available)
  7. Next call: Mar 6, 2020 14:00 UTC

Can we get ethereum/EIPs#2514 to the agenda?

Following the hot discussion on EIP1962 here are some updates

  • Full set of docs is posted covering and re-covering motivation, ABI, gas schedule. There are both rationales and explanations, as well as the specs and explicit formulas
  • Set of the most interesting curves is identified for gradual rollout
  • I've tried to contact people in the field, hope to get wider participation. Couldn't reach Izaak from Coda, other parties has expressed an interest to participate in a call

I and some others would like some more discussion of EIP-2315

@timbeiko the date looks incorrect: "Friday 7 February 2020", will you fix please?

@sorpaas @gcolvin @shamatar added to the agenda. @gluk64 thanks for the catch!

@timbeiko happy to discuss questions regarding if you are still interested.

@BelfordZ yes, I'll put it sooner in the agenda this time around so that we're sure we have time to get to it.

@timbeiko happy to discuss "Adding a section of 'Motivation' to Meta EIP of upgrade"

Can we get ethereum/EIPs#1057 to the agenda?

Can we put the following five EIP proposals on the agenda? Thanks.

  1. Transaction postdata (draft at EIP-2242), a new field in transactions that cannot be read by the EVM
  2. Execution over transaction postdata with precompiles (which enables multi-threaded data availability processing)
  3. New precompiles for Merkleization and Merkle branch verification
  4. Calldata gas cost reduction to 1-2 gas per byte
  5. Current transaction hash opcode, which would enable further cost reduction for optimistic rollups

@adlerjohn are there any EIP links for 2-5 you mentioned? I added 2242 to the agenda. Thanks!

@CryptoBlockchainTechnologies do you have an update to provide about the EIP?

@timbeiko nope. Part of this is to determine whether it's even worth my time to write formal EIPs for those proposals.

Sounds good, @adlerjohn, I've added it all under one bullet ๐Ÿ˜„

@timbeiko I'm withdrawing the EIP-2200 errata from tomorrow's AllCoreDevs discussion list. That's a thing that won't affect Ethereum / EIPs at all so I don't think it's a worthy use of our time.

You guys have the wrong person tagged
I think you meant adlerjohn not alderjohn.

  • Update on 1559 - Iโ€™ll be championing it with Ian (very short)
  • BLS signature precompile Eth2 needs it. Schedule relative to Eth2 phase 0 contract.
  • Schedule for Berlin around BLS precompile
  • Progpow resolution

The last two are important to get in before the end of the call. I know we are getting a full roster so I am not sure the best way to triage here yet.

Also EIP 2515 (updating the difficultly bomb)
We may need to focus first on EIPs preparing for Berlin.

Well, perhaps the open-rpc, then Berlin EIPs, then Progpow, the EFI.

Or open-RPC after Progpow

@timbeiko I do not have an update for 1057, rather I was hoping to see it on the Agenda for this meeting. Due to the timing of the audit results that the community(mining) overwhelmingly funded, it was not able to be included in the last fork. It was then decided to be included in Berlin but we have yet to see it included recently on the agenda and it is not listed as an EIP to be included in the fork. Our understanding is that EIP-1057 is ready but we are not sure why it is not listed as a Berlin EIP. Here is what we know about EIP-1057:

  1. EIP-1057 was approved by the dev team last year but was not to be included in Istambul until after the audit
  2. The passing audit results came too late to be included in Istambul
  3. Decision was made to include it in the next fork which would be Berlin
  4. In meeting #80 it was stated Andre would be joining next week (meeting?) for EIP-1057. The community was expecting an update by this meeting and is why I am here asking

The GPU mining community has patiently waited for about 2 years now for a solution to the ASICs on the network. This is the closest we have been to finally reaching a solution and are looking forward to a resolution so we can make long term business solutions of our own.

I'd also like to see progpow (eip-1057) on the agenda

Why are people still pushing for ProgPoW? It has been rejected by the community.

Closed in favor of #155.