
All Core Devs Meeting 21 Agenda

Souptacular opened this issue · 5 comments

All Core Devs Meeting 21 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 7/28/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


  1. Metropolis updates/EIPs.
    a. Any "subtleties" or questions we need to work out.
    - EIP 96 (BLOCKHASH) has some unaddressed comments and issues about the BLOCKHASH contract: ethereum/EIPs#210 [Paweł]
    - Decide names for Metro Pt.1 and Pt. 2 (or maybe Pt. 1/2 is good enough)
    b. Updates to testing.
    c. Details and implementations of EIPs.
    1. Updates from client teams.
    - geth - ethereum/go-ethereum#14337
    - Parity - openethereum/parity-ethereum#4833
    - cpp-ethereum - ethereum/aleth#4050
    - yellowpaper - ethereum/yellowpaper#229
    - pyethapp
    - Other clients
    2. Determining gas prices for new opcodes & pre-compiles [Martin HS/Everyone]
    d. Review time estimate for testing/release.
  2. Make a decision on the "Hardfork meta EIPs" (and potentially merge them) [Alex B.]
  3. EIP 663 ethereum/EIPs#663: Unlimited SWAP and DUP instructions [Alex B.]
  4. EIP 215 ethereum/EIPs#215: Bitwise shifting instructions in EVM to replace EIP 145 [Alex B.]

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

Agenda: decide a unique name for the second part of Metropolis

axic commented

Would be nice to make a decision on the "Hardfork meta EIPs" (and potentially merge them):

axic commented

If time allows would be happy to receive comments on ethereum/EIPs#663 and ethereum/EIPs#215.

Proposed names for Metropolis:
First HF - Byzantium
Second HF - Constantinople

Nick/Vitalik working on EIP 96, 98, and addressing concerns with gas scheduling in 198.
96 Nick working on tests
98 Intermediate state root removal - no gas stuff figured out
198 - main thing to still be figured out, suggested on a few days ago. piecewise quadratic
Martin/Arkiday work on benchmarks.
EIP for miner reward reduction needs to be officially combined with ethereum/EIPs#669.
Put ice age changes in #669.