
Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 103 Agenda

timbeiko opened this issue ยท 10 comments

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 103 Agenda


  1. YOLOv3 & Berlin client updates
  2. Other EIPs or discussion items

Next Call: January 22, 2021 14:00 UTC

Could you add discussion of EIP-3171 to the agenda? I can present it. ethereum/EIPs#3171

Would it be possible to finally get results of gas performance of EVM384? Even while BLS12-381 was postponed now it doesnโ€™t cancel the fact that more crypto primitives are required

I assume it is widely understood that the protocols for the top layer should not be adequately encrypted by the transfer/network protocol. If Snappy is able to add to or not compress data, it does not matter if the upper layer is correctly encrypted.

@moodysalem @shamatar added ๐Ÿ‘

@moodysalem @shamatar added ๐Ÿ‘

Have since found a good workaround thanks to discussion and don't think the EIP is worth presenting anymore

Can we add EIP-2937 to the agenda? @astarinmymind and I would like to present it. EIP-2937 // our PR on EIP-2937

Forgot to set a usual remainder: as was mentioned during last few calls EIP-2666 is ready, it was tested on existing clients, formulas are safe, etc. I would even expect that some clients may have got improvements since then.

Also, as secp256k1 now uses GLV multiplication with 30-40% speed boost, it may be good to later on reprice ECRecover

Closed in favor of #237

I was thinking about CpfP, which makes little sense for Ethereum. Except in the case of simple contracts where the gas can be easily (and cheaply) calculated or guessed by the miners.

However, for most users, the ability to increase fees later makes more sense. RBF that only increases fees makes more sense.