
Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 34 Agenda

lrettig opened this issue ยท 8 comments

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 34 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 02/23/18 at 14:00 UTC (

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


  1. EIP decision process/general update
  2. Constantinople.
    a. EIP 145: Bitwise shifting instructions in EVM
    b. EIP 210: Blockhash refactoring
    c. EIP 168 & 169: Killing dust accounts.
    d. EIP 859: Account abstraction for the main chain [Updated]
    e. Do we want a limited version of ethereum/EIPs#232 in the next hard fork?
    f. Timing.
  3. test rpc protocol discussion: ethereum/retesteth#5
  4. Talk about when we should start considering to implement a POC/MVP of ethereum/EIPs#648 (easy parallelizability)
  5. EIP96 (BLOCKHASH): no response from authors.
  6. Client/research updates.
  7. EthCC is in 2 weeks. Do we want to skip or reschedule meeting?

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

Request to add:

  1. EIP decision process -- brainstorm ways which the process is deficient. This should provide some good ideas on record that can be actually implemented later, possibly pull requests by other people.

Please feel free to reference ERC-165 as an example. I have tried to follow the "new" process discussed at a prior meeting, including getting test cases and implementation ready BEFORE draft accepted status. We are now in accepted status, and I am hoping to follow any "new" process to get it to approved.

I will listen in on YouTube from this time on.

Discuss inclusion of a limited version of ethereum/EIPs#232 in the next hard fork.

@pirapira listen in? Why? You should be there!

test rpc protocol discussion:

Is the governance process itself not a matter for those affected by it to help decide? I accept that is difficult to achieve with our present tools, but there is also possibly a danger when it's seen to be decided by devs only. We can identify multiple groups of stakeholders. Some of these it's quite possible to see objectively if some threshold of acceptance has been reached.

Then again I see the point that an EIP pull request might not be a part of the governance process. It's the very point at which something gets prepared enough to be discussed - to be have the governance process on that matter begin.

Talk about when we should start considering to implement a POC/MVP of EIP 648 Easy parallelizability.

What is the most logical Ethereum client to use to implement this EIP first? Maybe I will make a branch and start tinkering with this.

Talk about defining the types of benchmarks to run and all that jazz. I presume the way to verify the accurate implementation of parallelization is via performance benchmarks/speedup times.

EIP96 (BLOCKHASH): no response from authors.