
Consensus-layer Call 77

djrtwo opened this issue · 7 comments

Consensus-layer Call 77 Agenda

prev: call 76

Meeting Date/Time: Thursday 2021/12/2 at 14:00 GMT
Meeting Duration 1.5 hours
Live stream:

  1. Kintsugi office hours
    • merge-devnet-2
    • kintsugi spec v3
    • updates
  2. Other client updates (if any)
  3. Research, spec, etc
  4. Open Discussion/Closing Remarks

A few things to discuss if we have time:

Friendly reminder of the Post-Merge MEV breakout room next week. It'd be great to have representatives from all CL teams: #423

I wish to discuss the #430 proposal if we have time.

@dapplion sorry, eth2.0-devops is an internal repo. I'll look into moving the update/issue tracking for merge devnets outside of our repo