
Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 61 Agenda

lrettig opened this issue · 14 comments

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 61 Agenda


  1. Review previous decisions made and action items
  2. Roadmap
  3. EIPs
    a) Refer to Roadmap link for list
    b) Please add more EIPs to the agenda
  4. Eth 1.x Blog by Alexey on changing processes
  5. Working Group Updates
  6. Do people want to meet in July? (Boris)
  7. Ganache/spec compliance issue at go-ethereum
  8. EIP-615 (from last meeting)
  9. Testing, testnets, and road to Istanbul
  10. Testing Updates
  11. Client Updates (only if they are posted in the comments below)
    a) Geth
    b) Parity Ethereum
    c) Aleth/eth
    d) Trinity/PyEVM
    e) EthereumJS
    f) EthereumJ/Harmony
    g) Pantheon
    h) Turbo Geth
    i) Nimbus
    j) web3j
    k) Mana/Exthereum
    l) Mantis
    m) Nethereum
  12. EWASM & Research Updates (only if they are posted in the comments below)
bmann commented

Do people want to meet late July (post major client implementations / pre testnet deployment)?

Poll here

So far Seattle is in first place, then a tie for New York and "Somewhere in Canada". Week of July 29th is currently preferred.

Ganache Client Updates: I'd like to bring attention to a spec compliance issue at go-ethereum (ethereum/go-ethereum#18152) that affects Ganache to see if we can resolve this one way or another (either by updating the spec or updating go-ethereum).

@bmann I do want to meet late July. I cannot meet the week of July 29, as I host a large family reunion later that week. Mere preference is about 50/50 now, so would like know what is possible, versus preferred.

bmann commented

@gcolvin I’m not going to organize if people aren’t interested in meeting. So we’ll see.

@lrettig would love to touch on @AlexeyAkhunov 's post from this week on 1x strategy, hopefully he will be there to drive discussion.

@davidmurdoch I am also seeing the lack of standard on JSON interfaces as the main driver for complexity in projects like retesteth, which I am trying to integrate with go-ethereum at the moment. At the same time, I am tempted to propose developing a non-JSON (RLP-based) standard with proper versioning etc., in the same vein as eth/63 -> eth/64 develops. And have JSON as an adapter on top of it. JSON is suboptimal for a lot of use cases, but needs to be present

@bmann As I told privately to you earlier, it is very unlikely I will be able to meet in person the week of July 29th. But I will be at DappCon in Berlin (21-23 August), and will be preparing a workshop there to try to teach people how to become Ethereum core developers :)

@alexey I have been talking with Dimitry about joining his team coordinating test efforts and writing tests. Talks ongoing with the EF

bmann commented

@AlexeyAkhunov yep. Not too worried about individual attendance or not — looking for feedback if people care about meeting in person to work on preparing the Istanbul hard fork, deploying testnets, and kicking off April 2020 hard fork discussions.

I don’t care either way if the work can get done online, I’m just trying to organize timing so that we have lots of lead time that people can plan around.

Rather than just consensus tests with Retesteth, it sounds like we still don’t have a coordinator for testing and testnets.

Rather than just consensus tests with Retesteth, it sounds like we still don’t have a coordinator for testing and testnets.

I suspect the testnet setup kind of suffers from the similar issues that retesteth. For example, standard of genesis format and change activation messages. Lots of manual "coordinator" work can be removed by some tech work and automation, I believe

Any Updates on the BLAKE2b EIP?

bmann commented

@MadeofTin no champion yet ethcatherders/PM#64

Discussion brought up by @cdetrio is that if EVM implementations are optimized, Blake in particular might be done natively.

Closing in favor of #99. Thanks everyone!

axic commented

@AlexeyAkhunov regarding the JSON-RPC spec there seems to be on already: (it just renders badly and the rendering is cut off)

Additionally the following extensions are made to it: