
Expectation of node in test portal_historyRoutingTableInfo of simulation ts-sim-test

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kdeme commented

The portal_historyRoutingTableInfo test launches Portal ping message in both directions of all the tested nodes.

Next it will call portal_historyRoutingTableInfo to see if all nodes have the other nodes in their routing tables.

However, an ENR only gets transmitted in a discv5 handshake message, and only the ENR of the requesting side is send.
This means that ENR's do not get transferred in all directions in this test scenario. This is why currently tests with Fluffy will fail this test scenario.

I'm curious what other clients do here to make this test pass. Do they actively send a FindNodes request to get this ENR (seems like something that could still fail in this test due to race conditions)? Or do they just simply add the ENR that is passed along the portal_historyPing method (Not really specified behaviour) to the routing table?