
"packagizing" the `useCompiler`

Opened this issue · 1 comments

We use a function useCompiler in various places to compile contracts. This function provides a small wrapper around the solc compiler in order to download it and invoke the compilation.

The code was duplicated across multiple places, namely in the tests of lib-sourcify, in serverless/compiler-lambda and in the server code. In order to minimize the effort for maintenance and synchronization of these code parts, they should be moved into a public package. Basically the content of services/server/src/server/services/compiler/local/solidityCompiler.ts should be the content of the new package.


My proposal is to build this package with the idea of shipping multiple compilers in mind. For example doing something like this: (We can actually do the same thing just by having multiple compilers under packages/)

The final objective should be being able to do something like this in nodejs

import { CheckedContract } from "@ethereum-sourcify/lib-sourcify"
import {initCompiler} from "@ethereum-sourcify/compilers/solidity/nodejs"

const compiler = initCompiler(...)
const contract = new CheckedContract(compiler, metadata, sources);

And something like this in the browser

import { CheckedContract } from "@ethereum-sourcify/lib-sourcify"
import {initCompiler} from "@ethereum-sourcify/compilers/solidity/browser"

const compiler = initCompiler(...)

const contract = new CheckedContract(compiler, metadata, sources);

And something like this in the lambda function

import {useCompiler} from "@ethereum-sourcify/compilers/solidity/nodejs"

exports.handler = async (event) => {
    return {
      success: true,
      body: await useCompiler(