
EPUB render

vorot93 opened this issue · 4 comments

Current PDF render of yellow paper is very inconvenient to read on a book reader. The text in two columns is just two small. Maybe make an EPUB render?

axic commented

If there is a simple, proven way to generate epub from latex then I think it would be easy enough to add to A quick search reveals that there might not be a single, simple, and reliable tool to do so.

Tried to use various tools and they all seems to failed. text4ebook & make4ht both complains that cancel.sty is not present, latexml find > 100 undefined tokens and throw a fatal error because of this, and a tool on internet that converts latex to html also seems to render correctlyonly about 10% or it. Can we have some guidance please ?

You can see my "best" try with pandoc so far here: