
How to make browser using faster

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I use keythereum.js(without nodejs) in a browser. It works good, but not each time. Almost always the first time the site down and after refreshing the second time keys are created in 10 seconds. For encrypting I use default options. Is it possible to do browser version faster by change default options, like number of cycles or type of coding?

You definitely can speed things up by decreasing the number of rounds, although please be aware that this will make the private key encryption less secure:

  • If you're using PBKDF2 (the default) you can change the number of rounds by changing keythereum.constants.pbkdf2.c
  • If you're using scrypt, you can change the number of rounds by changing keythereum.constants.scrypt.n

In both cases, the default number of rounds is 262144.