Data gets lost when using string as a key. (memdown + 2 tries)
charlielye opened this issue · 3 comments
The test below fails. If you comment line 50 with key thisbreaks
the test passes. Changing the key to a Buffer and the test passes. I'm not confident that the pass is a fix, but is possibly just an intermittent fix, as I've been experiencing other oddities.
const levelup = require('levelup');
const memdown = require('memdown');
const MerklePatriciaTree = require('merkle-patricia-tree');
class Trie {
constructor(db) {
this.trie = new MerklePatriciaTree(db);
async get(key) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.trie.get(key, (err, value) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
} else {
return resolve(value);
async put(key, value) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
this.trie.put(key, value, err => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
} else {
return resolve();
describe('trie', () => {
it('minimum test that breaks', async () => {
const db = levelup(memdown());
const trie1 = new Trie(db);
const trie2 = new Trie(db);
const key1 = Buffer.from('ffffff', 'hex');
const val1 = Buffer.from('afafaf', 'hex');
await trie1.put(key1, val1);
const key2 = Buffer.from('ababab', 'hex');
const val2 = Buffer.from('deadbeef', 'hex');
await trie2.put(key2, val2);
await db.put('thisbreaks', Buffer.from('bdbdbd', 'hex'));
const result1 = await trie1.get(key1);
const result2 = await trie2.get(key2);
I suspect somehow put
ting the string changes default serialization of the db
object. If the line is modified to: await db.put('thisbreaks', Buffer.from('bdbdbd', 'hex'), { keyEncoding: 'binary', valueEncoding: 'binary' });
, or key is provided as a Buffer
(as you mentioned) the test passes.
However this part of the library is under change, please see #74. After the changes are released, a DB
instance should be provided to Trie
which enforces the binary
encoding and should hopefully fix this. Additionally, it throws if the parameters are not Buffer
, hopefully preventing these type of errors.
API has been updated on v4 to only accept buffers so should not be an issue any more, will close.