

wanderer opened this issue · 37 comments

we need a cool logo

I'm not a huge fan but this is a theme in the js community:
theres also node.js style hexagons
which have their own following that expands beyond js

I think we should start with Ethereum's tetrahedron then somehow work in JS

agree. javascript is definitely lacking in ready-to-use visual cues

c055 commented

Let me try if i can be of assistance here! I will try to send some ideas for a potential logo …

cross-reffing logo.js repo for inspiration

Also gonna have a shot at this ;)

A few obvious ideas to kick things off:

initial ethereum js logo ideas

I think the black and yellow is actually quite nice.

The middle segment of the tetrahedron looks to be the same shape as the bottom of the node hexagon -- perhaps this could be played around with.

Bottom left or bottom middle is my favourite so far; super clean.

c055 commented


c055 commented

i will try to provide another draft later this week .. have to priorize some other tasks before..

axic commented

@hitchcott love the bottom row!

bottom middle is works for me, also happy to see more iterations


eth js cube. Square JS logo + 3d + eth colors.

A few more iterations, and playing on @wanderer's version:

iterated ideas

Now I need some honey...

And this time in #ECF0F1, as per the brand guidelines; a bit cooler?


c055 commented


c055 commented


@cassiopaia and @hitchcott very nice! @cassiopaia i really dig highlighting the js. I think the third logo on your second post with the ethereumjs from your last is my favorite so far.

zelig commented

my 2c if I may: @cassiopaia's design is awesome orange js as face inside the ethereum logo as warrior helmet. (post 4 days ago) it is actually cool. the organic blend due to the geometric fit there would be a mistake to miss. the rest are a bit boring

c055 commented


c055 commented


played with another idea ..(a bit more detailed one 💨 and more for fun)

first one, very nice, second a bit busy, colours are great.

c055 commented

eth-js-22 1

i think this one is my fav so far #1 (comment)

Who did this one?

I think @tinybike. I have heard a lot of good feedback on #1 (comment)

@cassiopaia can you provide #1 (comment) with a white / transparent background and close crop


c055 commented


@cassiopaia yep 400x400 would be great!

@kumavis I did that one

@cassiopaia I also agree that #1 (comment) is the strongest so far -- but I'd like to see an iteration without any drop shadow and using the original 'JS' font.

Care to share the PSD/AI?

c055 commented

@hitchcott: thanks for your comment. For the font .. i would advise to go with ETH CI font ( Roboto ) as this is the general used font of ETH ..

Sry no PSD/AI files ... working with sketch

c055 commented

i will convert it later on .. @hitchcott

Doing some spring cleaning -- thanks all for contributing here!

c055 commented

happy to help

Good times! :)