
The explorer cannot be deployed at AWS.

Opened this issue · 6 comments

The explorer works fine in my local machine. However, the explorer cannot work in my AWS machine.
The IP address of AWS machine is 10.10.78.X, but the machine's public IP is 52.40.25.X. It seems due to some "IP:port forwarding mechanism" I think. Is it possible to run the explorer in AWS machine? How? Thanks.

You should be able to run the node web server on AWS, as it's basically just serving HTML. I'm not super experienced hosting with AWS but you should be able to access it on the public IP if it's running correctly.

@mochechan you can directly deploy this on S3 bucket and use that as website.

@mochechan I have been able to deploy the explorer project on a AWS machine successfully (although, I have a different issue at the moment). What challenge are you facing?

what did you do?
I did the following and it runs (not free of trubles, aws with ubuntu 16.04):
a. open port 8000 and 8545 in server security group
b. run geth using command
geth --rpc --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcaddr "" --rpcvhosts=*
c. edit app.js with your address (search for eth_node_url and edit the relevant line)
d. run in your explorer directory:
npm install
npm start

change the start script "http-server ./app -a localhost -p 8000 -c-1" to "http-server ./app -a -p 8000 -c-1" in package.json

OR13 commented

this is a static website, if you serve the app folder it should work. there should be no need to use node to serve the explorer.