
bundler-spec-tests failing

Closed this issue · 12 comments

I have been trying to run bundler-spec-tests on this and they are failing, is this implementation a fully compliant implementation?
I am using eth-infinitism's bundler-spec-tests.

Thanks for reporting the issue @Abhimanyu121 . May I know how are you running these tests locally? How many tests are failing. The latest test execution report is available here: ( Skandha is non conformant to only 1 test.

Hey, I am following these steps:

  1. Running the local test instance of geth over docker with
    docker build -t geth .
    docker run geth --network_mode=host
  2. Building and running Skandha
    yarn build
    ./skandha --testingMode
    I am using the following config
  "networks": {
    "dev": {
      "entryPoints": [
      "relayer": "0xpvtkey",
      "beneficiary": "0x5FF137D4b0FDCD49DcA30c7CF57E578a026d2789",
      "rpcEndpoint": "",
      "minInclusionDenominator": 10,
      "throttlingSlack": 10,
      "banSlack": 10
  1. Using infinitism's bundler-spec-test from
    executing the following
    pdm install && pdm run update-deps
    arch -x86_64 pdm run pytest -rA -W ignore::DeprecationWarning --url --entry-point 0x5FF137D4b0FDCD49DcA30c7CF57E578a026d2789 --ethereum-node
  2. I am getting the following output

Can you please check once and let me know if I am doing something wrong.

@Abhimanyu121 I don't think the IP address is correct, pls try using your local IP address

Hey @marie-fourier I am able to hit both bundler and get at as well as and for both of them I am getting the same errors. I am also seeing logs at bundler side for getting different request that tests are making.

@Abhimanyu121 then it's most likely the issue with geth, try running geth-dev from test folder in the repo
cd test
docker-compose up geth-dev -d

Hey, can you double-check the compose file?
Not able to connect to geth and bundler running inside containers.

@Abhimanyu121 compose file must be ok. You can have a look at how we run the tests -

Hey, I tried a similar setup and got the following output


  1. Started a geth-dev instance.
  2. Deployed entrypoint contract from account-abstraction repo
  3. Compiled Skandha and executed the bin.
  4. Finally triggered the tests, you can see the output in the above link.

Hey, I tried forking that test executor and triggered the workflow and the test for most bundlers is failing, is there something I am missing, here is a link to the job execution.

Hey, I tried forking that test executor and triggered the workflow and the test for most bundlers is failing, is there something I am missing, here is a link to the job execution.

Hey @Abhimanyu121 Are you still facing this issue when you run the tests against our hosted bundler instance? or when you've configured your bundler to point to a testnet such as Sepolia/Mumbai?

Tests are now working, thanks.

Tests are now working, thanks.

@Abhimanyu121 Could you please let us know how you were able to fix it? Also, please share the documentation on how to run the test cases. I'm facing similar issues