
npm and github version dont match

kumavis opened this issue · 6 comments

latest on github shows 0.3.7
latest on npm shows 0.3.8

+1. Based on some errors I'm getting, there seems to be an extra try/catch added past this point in src/index.js that I can't find here on master (I'm getting an error [eth-query] while formatting outputs from RPC '${result}'). Were there possibly some changes that were pushed up to npm that were not pushed up to GitHub?

To further clarify the above comment, here is what I am seeing when downloading ethjs-query from npm:

function generateFnFor(rpcMethodName, methodObject) {
  return function outputMethod() {
    let callback = null; // eslint-disable-line
    let inputs = null; // eslint-disable-line
    let inputError = null; // eslint-disable-line
    const self = this;
    const args = []; // eslint-disable-line
    const protoMethodName = rpcMethodName.replace('eth_', ''); // eslint-disable-line

    if (args.length > 0 && typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function') {
      callback = args.pop();

    const promise =;

    // if callback provided, convert promise to callback
    if (callback) {
      return promiseToCallback(promise)(callback);

    // only return promise if no callback provided
    return promise;

    function performCall() {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        // validate arg length
        if (args.length < methodObject[2]) {
          reject(new Error(`[ethjs-query] method '${protoMethodName}' requires at least ${methodObject[2]} input (format type ${methodObject[0][0]}), ${args.length} provided. For more information visit:${rpcMethodName.toLowerCase()}`));
        if (args.length > methodObject[0].length) {
          reject(new Error(`[ethjs-query] method '${protoMethodName}' requires at most ${methodObject[0].length} params, ${args.length} provided '${JSON.stringify(args, null, self.options.jsonSpace)}'. For more information visit:${rpcMethodName.toLowerCase()}`));

        // set default block
        if (methodObject[3] && args.length < methodObject[3]) {

        // format inputs
        this.log(`attempting method formatting for '${protoMethodName}' with inputs ${JSON.stringify(args, null, this.options.jsonSpace)}`);
        try {
          inputs = format.formatInputs(rpcMethodName, args);
          this.log(`method formatting success for '${protoMethodName}' with formatted result: ${JSON.stringify(inputs, null, this.options.jsonSpace)}`);
        } catch (formattingError) {
          reject(new Error(`[ethjs-query] while formatting inputs '${JSON.stringify(args, null, this.options.jsonSpace)}' for method '${protoMethodName}' error: ${formattingError}`));

        // perform rpc call
        this.rpc.sendAsync({ method: rpcMethodName, params: inputs })
        .then(result => {
          // format result
          try {
            this.log(`attempting method formatting for '${protoMethodName}' with raw outputs: ${JSON.stringify(result, null, this.options.jsonSpace)}`);
            const methodOutputs = format.formatOutputs(rpcMethodName, result);
            this.log(`method formatting success for '${protoMethodName}' formatted result: ${JSON.stringify(methodOutputs, null, this.options.jsonSpace)}`);
          } catch (outputFormattingError) {
            const outputError = new Error(`[ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC '${JSON.stringify(result, null, this.options.jsonSpace)}' for method '${protoMethodName}' ${outputFormattingError}`);
        .catch(error => {
          const outputError = new Error(`[ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC '${JSON.stringify(error, null, this.options.jsonSpace)}'`);

But here is what I see here on GitHub:

const format = require('ethjs-format');
const EthRPC = require('ethjs-rpc');
const promiseToCallback = require('promise-to-callback');

module.exports = Eth;

function Eth(provider, options) {
  const self = this;
  const optionsObject = options || {};

  if (!(this instanceof Eth)) { throw new Error('[ethjs-query] the Eth object requires the "new" flag in order to function normally (i.e. `const eth = new Eth(provider);`).'); }
  if (typeof provider !== 'object') { throw new Error(`[ethjs-query] the Eth object requires that the first input 'provider' must be an object, got '${typeof provider}' (i.e. 'const eth = new Eth(provider);')`); }

  self.options = Object.assign({
    debug: optionsObject.debug || false,
    logger: optionsObject.logger || console,
    jsonSpace: optionsObject.jsonSpace || 0,
  self.rpc = new EthRPC(provider);
  self.setProvider = self.rpc.setProvider;

Eth.prototype.log = function log(message) {
  const self = this;
  if (self.options.debug) self.options.logger.log(`[ethjs-query log] ${message}`);

Object.keys(format.schema.methods).forEach((rpcMethodName) => {
  Object.defineProperty(Eth.prototype, rpcMethodName.replace('eth_', ''), {
    enumerable: true,
    value: generateFnFor(rpcMethodName, format.schema.methods[rpcMethodName]),

function generateFnFor(rpcMethodName, methodObject) {
  return function outputMethod() {
    let callback = null; // eslint-disable-line
    let inputs = null; // eslint-disable-line
    let inputError = null; // eslint-disable-line
    const self = this;
    const args = []; // eslint-disable-line
    const protoMethodName = rpcMethodName.replace('eth_', ''); // eslint-disable-line

    if (args.length > 0 && typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function') {
      callback = args.pop();

    const promise =;

    // if callback provided, convert promise to callback
    if (callback) {
      return promiseToCallback(promise)(callback);

    // only return promise if no callback provided
    return promise;

    async function performCall() {
      // validate arg length
      if (args.length < methodObject[2]) {
        throw new Error(`[ethjs-query] method '${protoMethodName}' requires at least ${methodObject[2]} input (format type ${methodObject[0][0]}), ${args.length} provided. For more information visit:${rpcMethodName.toLowerCase()}`);
      if (args.length > methodObject[0].length) {
        throw new Error(`[ethjs-query] method '${protoMethodName}' requires at most ${methodObject[0].length} params, ${args.length} provided '${JSON.stringify(args, null, self.options.jsonSpace)}'. For more information visit:${rpcMethodName.toLowerCase()}`);

      // set default block
      if (methodObject[3] && args.length < methodObject[3]) {

      // format inputs
      this.log(`attempting method formatting for '${protoMethodName}' with inputs ${JSON.stringify(args, null, this.options.jsonSpace)}`);
      try {
        inputs = format.formatInputs(rpcMethodName, args);
        this.log(`method formatting success for '${protoMethodName}' with formatted result: ${JSON.stringify(inputs, null, this.options.jsonSpace)}`);
      } catch (formattingError) {
        throw new Error(`[ethjs-query] while formatting inputs '${JSON.stringify(args, null, this.options.jsonSpace)}' for method '${protoMethodName}' error: ${formattingError}`);

      // perform rpc call
      const result = await this.rpc.sendAsync({ method: rpcMethodName, params: inputs });

      // format result
      try {
        this.log(`attempting method formatting for '${protoMethodName}' with raw outputs: ${JSON.stringify(result, null, this.options.jsonSpace)}`);
        const methodOutputs = format.formatOutputs(rpcMethodName, result);
        this.log(`method formatting success for '${protoMethodName}' formatted result: ${JSON.stringify(methodOutputs, null, this.options.jsonSpace)}`);
        return methodOutputs;
      } catch (outputFormattingError) {
        const outputError = new Error(`[ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC '${JSON.stringify(result, null, this.options.jsonSpace)}' for method '${protoMethodName}' ${outputFormattingError}`);
        throw outputError;

Note how in the first case, a promise is being returned whereas in the second case, async/await syntax is being used.