
`ethereum_genesis` linux permission issue

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The ethereum_genesis role does not work when running under linux.

There is a permission issue with docker volumes.
It looks like there is some kind of owner mapping, when running the docker commands under linux.

eg. when running this command:

docker run --rm -t -u $UID
        -v {{ ethereum_genesis_generator_tmp_output_dir_register.path }}:/data
        -v {{ ethereum_genesis_generator_tmp_config_dir_register.path }}:/config
        {{ ethereum_genesis_generator_container_image }} all

When looking at the folder permissions from outside the container (host system), the /data & /config folders are owned by my user.
But when looking into the container, the /data & /config folders are owned by root.
Therefore running the container with -u $UID fails with permission errors.

The role properly runs when removing all the -u $UID flags from docker run commands.
There are 3 docker commands that need this fix (1x generate_genesis.yaml, 2x generate_validator_keys.yaml)