
Iconography page giving wrong instructions for icon fonts when there are consecutive numbers

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

For icons named ev_plug_iec_60309_2_xxx (there are four of them), docit is omitting the dash in _2 part of the name, and the icon name is listed to be ev_plug_iec_603092_xxx

What is the expected behavior?

It should name correctly. This applies to icon fonts and SVG instructions.

What are the steps to reproduce?

  1. docit needs to upgrade to icons-mui v2.8.0^ first
  2. Checkout an icon named as described (for example, /style/iconography?icon=EvPlugIec603092Three32&isMaterial=false)
  3. Check the instructions in the side panel

Screenshots or links to minimum reproduction example

Highlighted instructions should be identical

Probably related to our internal name converter function, title to snake_case?