
Success Screen after Change Password not seen

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug / expected behavior

once user change password from app, ideally user should be shown with "password changed successfully" screen and then after clicking okay user should be navigated to login screen.(this was working earlier)
but currently once user change password, he is directly navigated to login screen.

so we have implement changepassword screen as below,

so as i understand, changePasswordScreen is called directly and now cancel & update button's functionality is on changePasswordScreen because we dont have access to this screen.

What are the steps to reproduce?

  1. Go To - Change Password Screen
  2. Add Password fields and click Update button

Screenshots / Screen recording

Code snippet / Link to minimum reproduction example

changePassword Screen called code


AuthUIActions.ts - changePassword function

await requestPasswordChange(userId, oldPassword, newPassword);
await TokenService.destroySecurityTokenForUser();

@swapnilspathare-eaton , can you share repo link here?