Dual purpose for pin 24
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The default interrupt pin specified for the RFM69 class is pin 24. The numbering scheme used to reference GPIO pins is set to GPIO.BOARD
. In board mode, the pins are number sequentially, which makes pin 24 the same as GPIO pin 8/CE0.
When establishing the SPI link with the RFM module, chip select 0 is used
self.spi = spidev.SpiDev()
self.spi.open(0, 0)
Chip select 0 is CE0, which is the same pin that's being used as the default interrupt pin.
You could continue using pin 24 as the default interrupt pin, but it's probably best to leave that chip select pin free for SPI use. Better to just switch the default interrupt pin to 18, which is GPIO pin 24, which is what I imagine you intended in the first place.
Helpful Raspberry Pi pinout diagram: http://pi.gadgetoid.com/pinout