Raspberry Pi 3 <-> Dragino Lora Arduino Shield v1.3
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Hi @etrombly ,
I found this library a damn good one but unfortunately not able to make it work with this combo,
I have connected everthing as per your pin configuration using Raspberry pi 3 with Dragino Lora Arduino Shield v1.3 (The board with Jumper Settings and Antenna holder - http://wiki.dragino.com/index.php?title=Lora_Shield)
Dragino Lora arduino shield pin - Pi pin
3v3 - 17
DIO0 - 18 (GPIO24)
MOSI - 19
MISO - 21
CLK - 23
NSS - 24
Ground - 25
RESET - 29
When i run the code...the RFM69 is not able to initialize.It just gets stuck before the while loop (i.e.,the while loop is kept on running) found in RFM69.py in the init section
#verify chip is syncing?
while self.readReg(REG_SYNCVALUE1) != 0xAA:
self.writeReg(REG_SYNCVALUE1, 0xAA)
I am totally a newbie to this kind of stuff.It would be great if you could help me whether am i making any mistake ?
Your help is much appreciated.
Thanks & regards,
This library is for the rfm69, the Dragino Lora uses a RFM95. They aren't compatible. Looks like a neat board though, but I don't have one to port a library with. here's some info on the differences, https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-rfm69hcw-and-rfm96-rfm95-rfm98-lora-packet-padio-breakouts/overview