
Skyline analyzer Crashed on 2k Metric's

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Skyline is crashing every time it reaches 2k Metrics. Analyzer.log stops recording any metrics. While horizon logs are working fine. Please advise on how can i fix these issues and are there any alternatives available in the market that I can look into.

@mehmood-007 you may be better off posting to!forum/skyline-dev with any queries as this skyline is an Archived Project.

If you do post, add as many details about your setup as you can, it generally makes things quicker to diagnosis.

Thanks for your response and apologies for the delay

following is the and how i'm starting skyline analyzer . but some times it crashes automatically and no logs in /var/log/analyzer.log

root@skyline:/opt/skyline/bin# ./analyzer.d start
started analyzer-agent
Shared settings

#The path for the Redis unix socket
REDIS_SOCKET_PATH = '/tmp/redis.sock'

#The Skyline logs directory. Do not include a trailing slash.
LOG_PATH = '/var/log/skyline'

#The Skyline pids directory. Do not include a trailing slash.
PID_PATH = '/var/run/skyline'

#Metrics will be prefixed with this value in Redis.
FULL_NAMESPACE = 'metrics.'

#The Horizon agent will make T'd writes to both the full namespace and the
#mini namespace. Oculus gets its data from everything in the mini namespace.

#This is the rolling duration that will be stored in Redis. Be sure to pick a
#value that suits your memory capacity, your CPU capacity, and your overall
#metrics count. Longer durations take a longer to analyze, but they can
#help the algorithms reduce the noise and provide more accurate anomaly

#This is the duration of the 'mini' namespace, if you are also using the
#Oculus service. It is also the duration of data that is displayed in the
#web app 'mini' view.

#If you have a Graphite host set up, set this metric to get graphs on
#Skyline and Horizon. Don't include http:// since this is used for carbon host as well.
GRAPHITE_HOST = 'a.v.y.x'

#The Graph url used to link to Graphite (Or another graphite dashboard)
#%s will be replaced by the metric name
GRAPH_URL = 'http://' + GRAPHITE_HOST + '/render/?width=1400&target=%s'

#If you have a Graphite host set up, set its Carbon port.

#If you have Oculus set up, set this metric to set the clickthrough on the
#webapp. Include http://. If you don't want to use Oculus, set this to an
#empty string. If you comment this out, Skyline won't work! Speed improvements
#will occur when Oculus support is disabled.
OCULUS_HOST = 'http://x.x.y.y:3000'

Analyzer settings

#This is the location the Skyline agent will write the anomalies file to disk.
#It needs to be in a location accessible to the webapp.
ANOMALY_DUMP = 'webapp/static/dump/anomalies.json'

#This is the number of processes that the Skyline analyzer will spawn.
#Analysis is a very CPU-intensive procedure. You will see optimal results
#if you set ANALYZER_PROCESSES to several less than the total number of
#CPUs on your box. Be sure to leave some CPU room for the Horizon workers,
#and for Redis.

#This is the duration, in seconds, for a metric to become 'stale' and for
#the analyzer to ignore it until new datapoints are added. 'Staleness' means
#that a datapoint has not been added for STALE_PERIOD seconds.

#This is the minimum length of a timeseries, in datapoints, for the analyzer
#to recognize it as a complete series.

#Sometimes a metric will continually transmit the same number. There's no need
#to analyze metrics that remain boring like this, so this setting determines
#the amount of boring datapoints that will be allowed to accumulate before the
#analyzer skips over the metric. If the metric becomes noisy again, the
#analyzer will stop ignoring it.

#By default, the analyzer skips a metric if it it has transmitted a single
#number MAX_TOLERABLE_BOREDOM times. Change this setting if you wish the size
#of the ignored set to be higher (ie, ignore the metric if there have only
#been two different values for the past MAX_TOLERABLE_BOREDOM datapoints).
#This is useful for timeseries that often oscillate between two values.

#The canary metric should be a metric with a very high, reliable resolution
#that you can use to gauge the status of the system as a whole.
CANARY_METRIC = 'statsd.numStats'

#These are the algorithms that the Analyzer will run. To add a new algorithm,
#you must both define the algorithm in and add its name here.

#This is the number of algorithms that must return True before a metric is
#classified as anomalous.

#This is to enable second order anomalies. This is an experimental feature, so
#it's turned off by default.

#This enables alerting.

#This is the config for which metrics to alert on and which strategy to use for each.
#Alerts will not fire twice within EXPIRATION_TIME, even if they trigger again.
#Schema: (
#("metric1", "smtp", EXPIRATION_TIME),
("skyline", "smtp", 600)

#Each alert module requires additional information.
#The SMTP server to use
"server": "",
#The SMTP port to use on the above server
"port": "465",

#This specifies the sender of email alerts.
"sender": "",
#recipients is a dictionary mapping metric names
#(exactly matching those listed in ALERTS) to an array of e-mail addresses
"recipients": {
    "skyline": [""],      

Horizon settings
#This is the number of worker processes that will consume from the Horizon

#The IP address for Horizon to listen on. Defaults to gethostname()

#This is the port that listens for Graphite pickles over TCP, sent by Graphite's
#carbon-relay agent.

#This is the port that listens for Messagepack-encoded UDP packets.
UDP_PORT = 2025

#This is how big a 'chunk' of metrics will be before they are added onto
#the shared queue for processing into Redis. If you are noticing that Horizon
#is having trouble consuming metrics, try setting this value a higher.

#This is the maximum allowable length of the processing queue before new
#chunks are prevented from being added. If you consistently fill up the
#processing queue, a higher MAX_QUEUE_SIZE will not save you. It most likely
#means that the workers do not have enough CPU alotted in order to process the
#queue on time. Try increasing CHUNK_SIZE, decreasing ANALYZER_PROCESSES, or

#This is the number of Roomba processes that will be spawned to trim
#timeseries in order to keep them at FULL_DURATION. Keep this number small,
#as it is not important that metrics be exactly FULL_DURATION all the time.

#Normally Roomba will clean up everything that is older than FULL_DURATION
#if you have metrics that are not coming in every second, it can happen
#that you'll end up with INCOMPLETE metrics.
#With this setting Roomba will clean up evertyhing that is older than

#The Horizon agent will ignore incoming datapoints if their timestamp
#is older than MAX_RESOLUTION seconds ago.

#These are metrics that, for whatever reason, you do not want to store
#in Skyline. The Listener will check to see if each incoming metrics
#contains anything in the skip list. It is generally wise to skip entire
#namespaces by adding a '.' at the end of the skipped item - otherwise
#you might skip things you don't intend to.
#if you use statsd, these can result in many near-equal series

Webapp settings

#The IP address for the webapp

#The port for the webapp

@mehmood-007 OK - you did not read the!forum/skyline-dev :)

First two things that really stand out there that may be problem are your ANALYZER_PROCESSES = 15 and WORKER_PROCESSES = 20 - these could be your issue unless your have a 25 core CPU server or you are consuming 10s of 1000s metrics.

Try setting those to lower values similar to the number of CPUs you have, .e.g:


Hopefully you will find that stops the crashing.

@earthgecko Thanks for your help.

I have configured this ( ANALYZER_PROCESSES=2 , WORKER_PROCESSES=2) and currently i'm relaying 2000s metrics/min and I am currently analyzing the stability of the code for the mentioned parameters. Similarly in future I have to pass 25000s metrics/min. Will it be capable to analyze it ?

@mehmood-007 Do not take this a firm benchmark, however it is definitely possible to push 40000 metrics per minute with 4 CPUs and 4GB RAM on a SSD backed server - running with the following settings:


This allows overhead for redis.

@earthgecko Thanks i'll implement this and can you please inform me on how many metrics are you passing to skyline