
Bad rendering of Flame Graph in Firefox (it is OK in Chrome)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi, Andrew.

See what I have in the Firefox:
Now look what I have in the Chrome:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. download the application is the same as in my previous test -

  2. run commands

export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-javaagent:/var/lib/statsd-jvm-profiler-0.8.3-SNAPSHOT.jar=server=,port=8086,reporter=InfluxDBReporter,database=monitoring,username=root,password=root,prefix=bigdata.profiler.v1.v2.v3.v4.v5,tagMapping=SKIP.SKIP.username.job.flow.stage.phase'

java -jar superfractalthing_0.8.3.jar

  1. click on some mandelbrott sets, and then let the app to wait for 10-15 minutes - until it will generate those two "waiting" stacktraces.

By the way, if you could give a hint how to get the SVG file (instead of html page with D3JS code) - I would be very happy. It would be nice to have - just to get the file with traces and the pass it to the Flame Graph native builder script ( the_dumped_file > some.svg)

I can reproduce that. As you might guess I usually use Chrome and didn't test that in Firefox :)

The node.js library that generates the flame graphs doesn't do a great job creating SVGs, which is why it's using the d3 implementation instead.

Some kind of script to dump the traces formatted in a way to work with the script is certainly possible. I can take a look at adding that.

@ibobak I've added a script to dump the traces from InfluxDB in a format suitable for use with See for documentation on its use.