
[Bug]: Replay is too slow, replay's judge counter is too fast, replay crashes game on first play

NekoAlosama opened this issue · 11 comments

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Bug Behavior

Using My Friend Mudkip from Stepping Stones 3 as an example, I tried replaying my score but the inputs became delayed, the judge counter increments incorrectly (Replay bot doesn't Miss, despite my playthrough containing misses; judge counter stops incrementing near the end of the song while the bot is still hitting notes), and the game hard-crashes (no "Program Crash" box appears) and generates a .dmp file.

Expected Behavior

Replay should replay my inputs correctly with no crashes.

Reproduction Steps

  1. View the contents of the .zip file below.
  2. Analyze and figure out what the issue is.

Anything else?

1.1. .zip file download:
1.2. .zip file contents: generated replay file (.txt), generated crash file (.dmp), 2 videos (1: playing chart, then first replay cut off by hard crash; 2: second replay with no crash)
2. I'm using EWMA with 200 taps. One time, with a different song, the EWMA display over-/underflowed, displaying a large number that was cut off by the side of the screen; I couldn't replicate this in subsequent replays.

I'm missing the .log file associated with this session, found in the Logs folder of the game install folder. If something went wrong in certain ways, there is information output here before and during the replay

The replay attached is only the replay and not the input data. Find a file with the same name (+ "z") in the InputData folder next to the ReplaysV2 folder. That file holds important information which helps recreate the replays and is what the game uses first when doing anything replay related. If you are interested in seeing the contents of the InputData files yourself, its compressed with zlib so you have to write something to open it yourself or find some online converter.

.zip #2:
Contains 2 log files for each of the sessions (look at the clock on the upper-right of the videos) and the input data ("S8fe3e18857fe441592fd24c36c658889ca88c624z")

The .log file for the crashing session doesn't write anything after the replay starts ([2023-01-06 20:24:49][INFO]: PushLoadedScreen: "ScreenGameplayReplay"). The .log file for the normal replay does display lots of [2023-01-06 20:34:28][WARN]: Please report an issue with this replay: S8fe3e18857fe441592fd24c36c658889ca88c624 - col 2 steppedrow 14725 rowtojudge 14712 between [2023-01-06 20:32:10][INFO]: PushLoadedScreen: "ScreenGameplayReplay" and [2023-01-06 20:35:27][INFO]: bAllReallyFailed = false bIsLastSong = true, m_gave_up = false.

this is fixed for 0.72.1 7572298