A simple Python CDI ( Code Dependency Injection) Library.
See the code of conduct.
Install stable pycdi
pip install pycdi
Install latest pycdi
pip install git+https://github.com/ettoreleandrotognoli/python-cdi
You can see more examples in the examples folder (examples/common).
import logging
from logging import Logger
from pycdi import Inject, Singleton, Producer
from pycdi.shortcuts import call
@Producer(str, _context='app_name')
def get_app_name():
return 'PyCDI'
@Inject(app_name=str, _context='app_name')
def get_logger(app_name):
return logging.getLogger(app_name)
@Inject(name=(str, 'app_name'), logger=Logger)
def main(name, logger):
logger.info('I\'m starting...')
print('Hello World!!!\nI\'m a example of %s' % name)
logger.debug('I\'m finishing...')
With Python 3 it is possible to define the types of injection with Python type hints.
You can see more examples in the examples folder( examples/py3/ ).
import logging
from logging import Logger
from pycdi import Inject, Singleton, Producer
from pycdi.shortcuts import call
def get_app_name() -> str:
return 'PyCDI'
def get_logger(logger_name: str) -> Logger:
return logging.getLogger(logger_name)
def main(name: str, logger: Logger):
logger.info('I\'m starting...')
print('Hello World!!!\nI\'m an example of %s' % name)
logger.debug('I\'m finishing...')