
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 431 (Request Header Fields Too Large)

Opened this issue · 18 comments

Using Chrome (but the same with any other browser) and Windows 10
for http://localhost:3000/dgca-businessrule-service/valuesets


I've had to change "proxy": "http://localhost:8080" with "proxy": "http://localhost:3000" in the package.json at line 61...

i've already deleted cookies for localhost:3000 and Cleared the Browsing data
added --max-http-header-size 80000 on package.json ("start": "react-scripts start --max-http-header-size 80000") but nothing

Any idea? Thanks in advance

the same anyone help ?

exactly the same problem here :/

With "start": "react-scripts --max-http-header-size 120000 start", in package.json I have no more 431 error but it is still with a circle that spins. In the Web Developer console appears "no valid valueset hash"

this app doesn't work anymore i think

i have this

Hi, i install the all and work fine but when call "Next" button......431 error

@lordspammy how come you got all the fields to fill while i get less fields and this error? An error occured: does not match pattern "[A-Z]{1,10}"

@lordspammy how come you got all the fields to fill while i get less fields and this error? An error occured: does not match pattern "[A-Z]{1,10}"

I used 1.0.8 version

@lordspammy thanks... then did you menage to get past 431 error?

@lordspammy thanks... then did you menage to get past 431 error?

Nope. This issue is present in all versions

@lordspammy mmmh... Does this thing ever worked for someone?

With "start": "react-scripts --max-http-header-size 120000 start", in package.json I have no more 431 error but it is still with a circle that spins. In the Web Developer console appears "no valid valueset hash" immagine

I have Error 431 as well, even with the header size increased.

Using Chrome (but the same with any other browser) and Windows 10

for http://localhost:3000/dgca-businessrule-service/valuesets


I've had to change "proxy": "http://localhost:8080" with "proxy": "http://localhost:3000" in the package.json at line 61...

i've already deleted cookies for localhost:3000 and Cleared the Browsing data

added --max-http-header-size 80000 on package.json ("start": "react-scripts start --max-http-header-size 80000") but nothing

Any idea? Thanks in advance

Try a bigger number, ad 1200000

Using Chrome (but the same with any other browser) and Windows 10
for http://localhost:3000/dgca-businessrule-service/valuesets
I've had to change "proxy": "http://localhost:8080" with "proxy": "http://localhost:3000" in the package.json at line 61...
i've already deleted cookies for localhost:3000 and Cleared the Browsing data
added --max-http-header-size 80000 on package.json ("start": "react-scripts start --max-http-header-size 80000") but nothing
Any idea? Thanks in advance

Try a bigger number, ad 1200000

A bigger number cause another error: Network Error

Using Chrome (but the same with any other browser) and Windows 10

for http://localhost:3000/dgca-businessrule-service/valuesets


I've had to change "proxy": "http://localhost:8080" with "proxy": "http://localhost:3000" in the package.json at line 61...

i've already deleted cookies for localhost:3000 and Cleared the Browsing data

added --max-http-header-size 80000 on package.json ("start": "react-scripts start --max-http-header-size 80000") but nothing

Any idea? Thanks in advance

Try a bigger number, ad 1200000

A bigger number cause another error: Network Error

That's true. Javascript is taking every bit of memory. Hopeless

@lordspammy how come you got all the fields to fill while i get less fields and this error? An error occured: does not match pattern "[A-Z]{1,10}"

same you

Using Chrome (but the same with any other browser) and Windows 10

for http://localhost:3000/dgca-businessrule-service/valuesets


I've had to change "proxy": "http://localhost:8080" with "proxy": "http://localhost:3000" in the package.json at line 61...

i've already deleted cookies for localhost:3000 and Cleared the Browsing data

added --max-http-header-size 80000 on package.json ("start": "react-scripts start --max-http-header-size 80000") but nothing

Any idea? Thanks in advance

Try a bigger number, ad 1200000

A bigger number cause another error: Network Error

That's true. Javascript is taking every bit of memory. Hopeless

io ci sono riuscito e fatto, vi spiego il passaggio

vi scaricate la versione 1.0.10
poi aprite il pompt dei comandi

entrate nella cartella del progetto

cd <nome-progetto>
una volta dentro , assicuratevi di avere Docker installato, altrimenti scaricatelo
una volta installato docker il passaggio successivo sarà quello di creare VM con docker
quindi digiterete questo:

docker-compose up -d

aspettate un pò perché vi dovrà scaricare tutta la roba sul container virtuale che vi creerà.

una volta fatto questo aprite la dashaboard di docker e andate su Containers/APP
lì troverete un contenitore chiamato dgca-issuance-web-1010
se siete arrivati fin qui ... bene! siamo a metà strada.
se cliccate sul contenitore vi si aprira una lista di sub contenitori .
e ci concentreremo su dgca-issuance-web e vedrete delle icone, premete sull'icona >_ , vi si aprirà il terminale.
se provate ad accedere su localhost:8080 vi renderete conto che non vi fa entrare perché vi chiederà una password.

che faremo noi? beh, creeremo un nuovo utente quindi nel terminale che vi si è aperto in precedenza cliccando su >_ dobbiamo installare questo apache2-utils e lo installeremo con i comandi di linux, in questo modo :
apt-get install apache2-utils
molto bene!
ora basterà creare un utente nostro .
sul terminale scrivete questo :
htpasswd -c /etc/nginx/.htpasswd nome-utente
ovviamente il nome-utente va sostituito con quello che voi volete , ok ?
una volta fatto partire il comando vi chiederà di inserire una password, e vi richiederà di inserirla nuovamente.

fatto ciò , ragazzi è fatta! potete accedere a localhost:8080 e inserirete i vostri dati utente come le avete creati , accedete e il piatto è pronto, purtroppo il codice qr non è valido , qualcuno ha delle idee?