
Remove charset when posting direct_post & direct_post.jwt

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Our issue stems from the usage of HttpClient.submitForm() in DefaultResponseDispatcher.
Internally this method uses the class FormDataContent for the body of the form. During initialization, this class does the following:

  1. Form url-encode the content of the form and serialize it to a byte array using the UTF-8 charset
  2. Hardcode the content type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8

Here's the full implementation of this class:

public class FormDataContent(
    public val formData: Parameters
) : OutgoingContent.ByteArrayContent() {
    private val content = formData.formUrlEncode().toByteArray()

    override val contentLength: Long = content.size.toLong()
    override val contentType: ContentType = ContentType.Application.FormUrlEncoded.withCharset(Charsets.UTF_8)

    override fun bytes(): ByteArray = content

The spec currently expects the Content-Type to be application/x-www-form-urlencoded, meaning the charset is US-ASCII by default.

A possible way forward is to replace the usage of HttpClient.submitForm() with instead and set the body to a custom OutgoingContent.ByteArrayContent that does exactly what FormDataContent is doing, but instead encode the parameters using US-ASCII charset and then set the content type accordingly.

 val response = {
            val bytes = parameters.formUrlEncode().toByteArray(Charsets.US_ASCII)
            body = object : OutgoingContent.ByteArrayContent() {
                override fun bytes(): ByteArray = bytes
                override val contentLength: Long = bytes.size.toLong()
                override val contentType: ContentType = ContentType.Application.FormUrlEncoded

This will also require updates to the tests of DefaultDispatcher because currently the MockClient expects FormDataContent to be posted.

@babisRoutis what do you think?

Just found this stackoverflow question that describes the same issue, but unfortunately has no answers.

@dzarras If you have tested it, let's go ahead.

Added I minor comment with regards to Charset param. If it is always US_ASCII let's remove it (from params)