
excluding a directory

arunkumar413 opened this issue · 3 comments

unable to exclude node_modules. It's throwing an error:

TypeError: (intermediate value)(intermediate value)(intermediate value).some is not a function

Here is the code:

  const tree = dree.scan("./", {
    stat: true,
    depth: 200,
    exclude: "/node_modules",

As in the examples and in the documentation website:

"It is a regex or array of regex and all the matching paths will not be considered by the algorithm"

This means that in your example you should put a regex and not a string:

const tree = dree.scan("./", {
    stat: true,
    depth: 200,
    exclude: /node_modules/

There could be a plan to add the support for strings.
In that case, a string "my_string" would be converted in a regex /my_string/, for now it is not supported

This feature has been added since version 3.4.0. Now you can use regex or strings, the string 'xxx' would be transformed automatically into /xxx/