
Create Migrations to update icons names

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mgonc commented

Update icons names to be compatible with FontAwesome 5

  • External Input | fa fa-external-link-square >> fa-external-link-alt
  • Add rows | fa icon-union >> fa-plus-square
  • Execute SQL query | fa fa-flash >> fa-bolt
  • Projection/Select columns | fa icon-projection >> fa-column
  • Set intersection | fa icon-intersection >> fa-compress
  • Split | fa fa-code-fork >> fa-code-branch
  • Run application | fa fa-lemon-o >> fa-play
  • Area chart | fa fa-area-chart >> fa-chart-area
  • Bar chart | fa fa-bar-chart >> fa-chart-bar
  • Donout chart | fa fa-circle-o-notch >> fa-circle-notch
  • Line chart | fa fa-line-chart >> fa-chart-line
  • Pie chart | fa fa-pie-chart >> fa-chart-pie
  • Scartter plot chart | fa fa-lemon-o >> fa-braille
  • Read Shapefile | fa fa-map-o >> fa-file
  • Association rules | fa fa-long-arrow-right >> fa-list-ol
  • Sequence mining | fa fa-diamond >> fa-gem
  • Classification model | fa fa-dashboard >> fa-tags
  • Logistic regression | fa fa-exchange >> fa-exchange-alt
  • One vs. rest classifier | fa fa-window-close-o >> fa-window-close
  • Voting classifier | fa fa-hand-peace-o >> fa-hand-peace
  • LDA Clustering | fa fa-file-text >> fa-file-alt
  • Principal component analysis | fa fa-sort-amount-desc >> fa-sort-amount-down
  • Locality-sensitive hashing | fa hashtag >> fa-hashtag
  • Max-abs scaler | fa fa-lemon-o >> fa-lemon
  • Min-max scaler | fa fa-arrows-v >> fa-arrows-alt-v
  • Apply model | fa fa-lightbulb-o >> fa-lightbulb
  • Load model | fa fa-cloud-download >> fa-cloud-download-alt
  • Save model | fa fa-cloud-upload >> fa-cloud-upload-alt
  • GBT regressor | fa fa-id-card-o >> fa-id-card
  • Linear regressor | fa fa-line-chart >> fa-chart-line
  • Regression model | fa fa-shield >> fa-shield-alt
  • Comment | fa fa-commenting-o >> fa-comment-alt
  • Entity Matching | fa fa-vcard-o >> fa-address-card
  • Service Output | fa fa-gears >> fa-cogs
  • Convert words to vector | fa fa-long-arrow-right >> fa-long-arrow-alt-right
  • Remove Stop words | fa fa-hand-stop-o >> fa-hand-paper