Using eutester on a CloudStack ec2 interface
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Hi, I would like to see how I could use eutester to test a CloudStack EC2 interface.
CloudStack does not expose S3 or IAM.
We can use boto with something like:
region = boto.ec2.regioninfo.RegionInfo(name="ROOT", endpoint="localhost")
conn = boto.connect_ec2(aws_access_key_id=accesskey, aws_secret_access_key=secretkey, is_secure=False, region=region, port=7080, path="/awsapi", api_version="2012-08-15")
How can I instantiate Eucaops() without S3 and IAM connections ?
Looks like I might have to modify Eucaops() a bit, which I hoped not to have to do.
Any help appreciated
Hey @Runseb,
You have 2 options:
- Use the EC2ops class directly
- Use Eucaops and just dont call any APIs that arent implemented
Let me know if you need more info.
The eucaops code does not seem to allow different I cannot even instantiate it
@Runseb, Does the EC2ops route work for you?
You can also create a new CSops class similar to EucaOps. Im on IRC #eucalyptus-qa if you need more info.