
Primary LanguageVim Script



Install either with vim-plug, Vundle, Pathogen or Neobundle.


This plugin provides enhanced version of the built-in :tab drop command (if the file is already open in a tab then vim will switch to that tab instead of opening a new window). You can:

  1. Run :Tabdrop path_to_open [line#], [col#] to open specified path. Pass the optional line and column number if you want to jump to certain line and column.
  2. Run :NewTabdrop path_to_open [line#], [col#] to perform exact the thing as Tabdrop except that the content in the current tab will always be hidden after drop. This might be useful for e.g. in vim-esearch.
  3. Run :TagTabdrop to follow tags of word-under-cursor in a new/existing tabpage.
  4. Run :TabdropPushTag to save the current location in a stack
  5. Run :TabdropPopTag to jump back to the last location

For example, if you use LanguageClient-neovim to do code traversal, having the following config in your vimrc you can jump to function definition in a new (or existing) tab by pressing Ctrl+] and jump back by pressing Ctrl-t.

nnoremap <C-]> :call Gotodef()<CR>
nmap <C-t> :TabdropPopTag<Cr>

function! Gotodef()
    call LanguageClient_textDocument_definition({'gotoCmd': 'Tabdrop'})

To have a unified mapping for both a language server and tags file. You can define the Gotodef function as:

function! Gotodef()
    catch /E433:/
        call LanguageClient_textDocument_definition({'gotoCmd': 'Tabdrop'})


By default, if the target tab is different than the current tab, vim-tabdrop close the current tab on TabdropPopTag command. To prevent from this, add the following snippet in your vimrc

let g:tabdrop_close_on_poptag=0