
[redesign] Migrate UI to React

Opened this issue ยท 7 comments

Making UI in canvas is possible, but it is probably inefficient for the renderer and will get increasingly harder to scale as the app gets more complicated.

The downsides of migrating is that all sprites will have to be rendered in two different ways, once for react and once for the canvas. However, this is pretty much already the state of things as I have to have separate scaling for the map and for the ui

Hi @eugeneration, great work on this application! I'm willing to help work on the React implementation. Would you recommend that I fork the master branch or the Typescript rewrite from #46?

That would be easier with #46 unfortunately like my last comment suggest there was still a few issue (and I didn't find the solution) + a few PRs got merged in the meantime.

I mean I would be really really glad if we could merge my PR, seems unlikely without some help :(

I'm actually working on trying to get #46 working - hopefully it will be successful! Do you mind giving me contributor access to your branch?

@bodinsamuel Thanks for adding me! One more thing, could you also turn on the Github pages for the repo? It makes it a lot easier to test mobile that way. To do this, you click on the Settings tab, scroll down to the Github Pages section and enable github pages with the default settings.

I don't know how to message on github so I'm asking you here.

@eugeneration done ๐Ÿ’ช
If you want to keep in touch, reach me on twitter maybe (not sure what's best either ahah)
Ping me anytime ๐Ÿ™

Found this tool on r/AnimalCrossing. Fantastic tool! I would love to get involved in the project, and this particular issue caught my eye.

@eugeneration Is there any particular reason you want to use React? In my opinion React, or any of the other major frameworks, might be a little overkill for this. I think it would be relatively easy to convert the interface you already have using vanilla JavaScript/TypeScript, html, and scss. It mostly comes down to events and positioning.

I could be entirely wrong here - I've only been looking at the code for an hour or two. ๐Ÿ˜€ Plus, it's your project, so if you want React, so be it! Either way, I'd love to help.

I would love to help with the React conversion! I love this project and am happy to contribute, but not really sure where to start with the React changes. Let me know!