
utterances-bot opened this issue · 8 comments

Why You Should Write Weekly 15-5s

15 minutes a week to document your work, increase visibility, and earn trust.

Thanks for this tip. I will try this or maybe I'll add a daily personal report, and in the end of the week summarize as your Weekly 15-5s.

Excellent idea! I always wanted a way to keep track of my work and ended rumbling over tens and tens of boring text! Awesome, thank you, man!

One thing that might be useful to add could be posting an example screenshot of one of your 15-5 weekly records (hiding all critial information, of course). At least for me it always help to have an example to follow (you could use it as a free-downloadable template to build a mailing list).

Thanks for the suggestion @lucianodarriba! I've added three weeks of hypothetical 15-5s (by an IC) as an example. Hope it serves as a good starting point that you can adapt to suit your needs.

Awesome!!! Thanks, @eugeneyan. You are the man!!!

That sounds like a great idea. As I'm working in a very small team with only 2 techies, in your experience does this practice work also with non-technical personnel? I'm just wondering with whom to share this article :)

I think it could work for most roles where (i) the effort and output builds week-on-week, (ii) sharing about the work can lead to synergy and reuse by other teams, as well as invite discussion and feedback.

Thanks for the input, I think it's a great practice. BTW a small typo: Fourth instead of Forth.

A curious question, do you use code editor to write your blog pieces? What's your workflow when publishing an article? I often use VS Code to take notes in MD format, and I've discovered that lack of spellcheck often leads to spike in my spelling and grammatical errors. Irrespectively of that, I'd love to use some integration which would allow me to just push articles from a folder instead of using WordPress dashboard, but I guess it's a bit tricky with CRMs.

Thanks for spotting that typo—fixed!

I don't write in a code editor directory. Instead, I use a markdown editor like Ulysses. For spell checks and grammar, I copy-paste the text into a tool like Grammarly, but it isn't foolproof (like you've spotted). After I'm done with writing and editing, I transfer it to my Jekyll repo for publishing.