
Question on the water video stimulus

Tom-TBT opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi Thomas,
I'm interested in the water.avi video, but I need to modify it slightly. I can do that in Fiji for example but then exporting it with jpeg compression gives a lower quality.

Is it a video you found online? Is it possible to generate or obtain a longer one with a higher quality and/or resolution? (with png compression maybe)

I want to remove the red component from the video, and make it longer. I saw that I can concatenate video but I'd prefer not to, to avoid correlations in the stimulus.


Hi Tom,

here is the script that generates such movies:
If you use it, please acknowledge the original source.


P.S.: For displaying such movies, you can also use the video commands instead of the movie commands.

Thank you Thomas.
by the original source, you mean ?


Yes. Of course, Luke would probably also happy for being mentioned for the Python version ;-)

Btw. I’ll soon release a new experimental version with LCr pattern mode support. Do you have any changes that should be integrated into the master soon?

No, I haven't done modifications recently.
And yes of course, Luke will be mentioned, that's a huge time saving for me to have the code in python!