
hamming_text function not created

michaelritsema opened this issue · 2 comments

It looks like I have most of the functions. hamming_text() is not created however. I have the hamming() and hamming_op(). I'm using 8.4 on ubuntu 10.04 server LTS

I can't reproduce it. Are you sure you're using the latest version from git? After installing it:

euler=# \df hamming*
List of functions
Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type
public | hamming | double precision | bit varying, bit varying | normal
public | hamming_op | boolean | bit varying, bit varying | normal
public | hamming_text | double precision | text, text | normal
public | hamming_text_op | boolean | text, text | normal
(4 rows)

Thanks for the quick reply. Sorry for wasting your time. I did clone the latest release, but apparently I had a much older version fo pgFoundary laying around and installed that one instead! I rebuilt/installed and everything seems to be working fine. I'm loving the package, thanks for the hard work.