
Open source tools to implement EDCI data model

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Hyland Credentials, looking at implementing EDCI compliant issuances alongside with Blockcerts documents.

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I have started researching how to implement an EDCI compliant issuer, but I cannot find technical tools that would help in that purpose:

  • Are there tools that could help convert VC compliant data (JSON) directly into EDCI compliant XML?
  • I have found this issuer: Is there an open source version that can be used to issue on a hosted solution, or do we have to use this tool, or should we build our own?
  • regarding the proof, is the eSeal the cryptographic solution to sign and store the proof, or can other JSONLD Signature suites be used for that purpose? Blockcerts uses MerkleProof2019 to sign and ensure tamper-proofness of the document.

Thanks for your answers