
list-table and csv-table not supported?

rc opened this issue · 3 comments

rc commented


I have tried to use both list-table and csv-table without success. The rst2tex phase says nothing, the latex file looks ok, but the tex2pdf phase chokes with

Runaway argument?
! Paragraph ended before \text@command was complete.
<to be read again> 
l.199 symbol}
              & \textbf{%
!  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

Example table:

.. list-table:: Notation.
   :widths: 20 80
   :header-rows: 1

   * - symbol
     - meaning
   * - :math:`\Omega`
     - volume (sub)domain
   * - :math:`\Gamma`
     - surface (sub)domain

The only difference I spot between the latex source for table versus list- or csv-table is that the table output does not use the page continuation macros:


symbol} & \textbf{%

meaning} \\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{\hfill ... continued on next page} \\

Can this be fixed or should I use the pain(t)ed tables? Thanks :)


pygments.__version__: '1.4'
docutils.core.__version__: '0.8.1'
rc commented

After setting

   :header-rows: 0

it works ok. I can live with that... ;)

Hi Robert,

This option is not supported currently. Simply not setting it (i.e. removing the line :header-rows: 0) should also work. I'll see if I can add that but you can definitely work with header rows for the preparation of your manuscript.

rc commented

OK, no problem. Thanks!