
load module

marijazmf opened this issue · 3 comments

./kedr_sample_target load gives me -bash: ./kedr_sample_target: No such file or directory
Can you please be so kind to let me know how to load module?
Thanks in advance

If you need to load kedr_sample_target.ko, you can now do it the same way as any other module:
insmod <path_to_kedr_sample_target.ko>.

kedr_sample_target script was useful on some older systems but we can do fine without it now.

Thank you for quick response. I am having issue with kernel memory leaking. As I am not linux expert, I am trying somehow to detect potential leakers. I followed this blog fro KEDR installation but I don#t know how to use it in a proper way. Actually I am having problem to load module.
insmod /lib/modules/3.16.0-4-amd64/extra/kedr_leak_check.ko insmod: ERROR: could not insert module /lib/modules/3.16.0-4-amd64/extra/kedr_leak_check.ko: Unknown symbol in module

Can you please help me with that?
Thanks in advance,

Sure, let's see.

"Unknown symbol in module" means there is a problem with how KEDR is built. The kernel log (output by dmesg command) should provide more info.

Did you build KEDR from the sources from this git or used a released version? It is more reliable now to use the sources from git.