- 1
install opencv in ev3dev
#794 opened by dkasnesis - 3
- 8
Object tracking with NXT Cam V4 for LEGO Mindstorms
#792 opened by gara-3004 - 3
Motor Ramping Assistance
#787 opened by TheDoctor2017 - 0
Best way to drive motors to absolute position
#785 opened by IanLewis42 - 12
How can I use a generic I2C sensor?
#782 opened by IanLewis42 - 0
How do "on_..." button event handlers work?
#784 opened by f1refa11 - 1
Unicode characters doesn't work
#783 opened by f1refa11 - 1
Add typings?
#771 opened by neelkarma - 6
`ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''` when using InfraredSensor in Threading
#746 opened by AntoniLuongPham - 1
Project EV3 with pixy2, line detection using vscode how to get the line information from the camera?
#781 opened by Louis17921 - 2
- 1
- 1
Can't draw anything to the LCD screen.
#765 opened by MafteiAlbert-Alexandru - 3
Slow Import Speeds - Advice?
#775 opened by neelkarma - 9
Using Webcam for EV3 object detection.
#747 opened by KooshaKayani - 5
Hello, I'm newbie with EV3DEV and I'm trying to make my absolute sensor working on my ev3.
#774 opened by dlech - 4
automaticaddison robot
#773 opened by jrrobb85 - 1
- 1
Use with pybricks - micropython library
#772 opened by KolosMile - 1
How to stop the Move Tank class
#766 opened by FUJI-AF - 11
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Ev3dev odometry
#768 opened by Linchikas - 1
Does MoveTank support two different Motor?
#769 opened by Vincentwtt - 0
How to install other python package on EV3?
#767 opened by CWLiang - 11
Run other modules with ev3dev
#762 opened by GrecuAlexandru - 0
- 1
Ev3 Color Sensor Python
#756 opened by thesantena - 2
- 14
Threading error when 2 Threads may control the same Motor. Errors encountered in EV3Dev2 with different error messages on MicroPython vs Python3. No such errors encountered in EV3Dev(1) and PyBricks.
#750 opened by AntoniLuongPham - 3
Sound.play_file not producing any audio
#760 opened by drew-linerud - 6
Advise on python data
#757 opened by kpu979 - 1
Always add some form of sleep in while True loops
#754 opened by dlech - 1
- 0
Lego EV3dev PYthon3
#751 opened by monsfortis1940 - 2
Error in docs
#749 opened by david-why - 2
No responding to button command
#748 opened by ivan-marroquin - 2
EV3Dev2 vs PyBricks2 APIs: are they converging or diverging going forward?
#745 opened by TheVinhLuong102 - 6
LEGO Medium Motor/Servo Motor
#744 opened by monsfortis1940 - 2
hitechnic IRSeekerV2
#743 opened by bergowitch - 4
PLAY_NO_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE Documentation Ambiguous
#740 opened by attilavago - 9
RPYC not working as a service
#741 opened by ajjack50n - 5
EV3dev Python3: tacho_counts
#742 opened by monsfortis1940 - 0
Move Differential
#737 opened by monsfortis1940 - 0
#738 opened by monsfortis1940 - 2
Move Differential
#739 opened by monsfortis1940 - 4
- 15
Actounix L12 100 not recognized
#733 opened by trinidadg - 14
- 9
BrickPi3 example
#728 opened by dlech