
Persistent Mode / Git Mode not working

Validark opened this issue · 6 comments

I have opened a place of mine and used the following:

local Http = game:GetService("HttpService")
Http.HttpEnabled = true
local StringValue = Instance.new("StringValue")
StringValue.Name = "PlaceName"
StringValue.Value = "Testing"
StringValue.Parent = Http

After restarting studio, and my computer, and the .exe client, there is still no RSync folder in Documents/ROBLOX. It keeps saving Temp files.

Can't reproduce. Please attach the place you are trying to use and I'll try to test it with that.

It isn't working for any places. Are these instructions correct?
To enable this feature, create a StringValue in HttpService named PlaceName, and then set the value to the name you'd like the folder to use. The scripts will then be written to C:\Users\<current user>\Documents\ROBLOX\RSync\<Place Name>. Note: You must re-open your game in Studio after you create this value. And, make sure you turned HttpEnabled on!

Yes. It works for me.

Found the issue.

For me at least, the FindFirstChild function would fire before the StringValue appeared in the HttpService, and thus Http.PlaceName didn't exist.

I got it to work for my client. Not the best solution, but...

cp  = game\GetService "ContentProvider"
repeat until cp.RequestQueueSize == 0 or not wait! -- Don't know how to do this in moonscript
if http\WaitForChild("PlaceName", 5) and http.PlaceName\IsA("StringValue") and #http.PlaceName.Value > 0

Will fix tomorrow.