This is a small script to make the local exploitation process easier. It downloads the precompiled exploit for x86 and x64 architectures and can also automatic compile local on the target system
- 00Beetzncheez00
- 4k4xs4pH1r3@0x0012637
- AgeOfMarcusCullowhee, NC
- Boeie
- DeathshiverUnited States
- Dur4ndalBrazil
- emaragkosGreece
- FazxShanghai, China
- felipetruman127.0.0.1
- FLX-0x00@evait-security @greenhats-gmbh @avo-hq
- Free-Ma0
- gtgtEPAM Systems
- HungryNomad
- JeremyNGalloway@Atlassian
- kevinpdicks
- kxisxrWorld
- littlAcenr00t
- Loop-ManMadrid
- mateoduranteCERT-UNLP
- MoatazMahmoud404127.0.0.1
- mrpnkt
- RiverhacInspur
- ryanbaxendale@CenturionInfoSec
- scwscw1
- ShawnAlexander
- shyne99
- Sirbu
- st3rven@oznetspa
- The1ntern
- vinxenxolagolfa internet agency