
"Error when downloading search results" displays after "x results found"

AIndoria opened this issue · 4 comments


Shows me 17 results found, and then shows me that error. It maybe allows me to see the results 1/20 times, sometimes.


2023/01/24 07:45:30 SERVER: Base Path: /downloads/
2023/01/24 07:45:30 SERVER: OpenBooks is listening on port 80
2023/01/24 07:45:30 SERVER: Download Directory: /books
2023/01/24 07:45:30 SERVER: Open http://localhost:80/downloads/ in your browser.
2023/01/24 07:45:51 SERVER: Client connected from
2023/01/24 07:45:51 CLIENT (fear): New client created.
2023/01/24 07:45:51 CLIENT (fear): CONNECT Message Received
2023/01/24 07:45:56 CLIENT (fear): SEARCH Message Received
2023/01/24 07:46:02 CLIENT (fear): open /books/books/SearchOok_results_for__BOOKNAMEHERE.txt.zip.temp: no such file or directory

I redacted the book name just in case of DMCA or what not for this project.

I'm running this on docker, on Ubuntu 20.04

compose file:

version: "3.3"
    container_name: OpenBooks
    image: evanbuss/openbooks:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "8389:80"
      - "./books-to-add:/books"
    command: --persist --name <name>
      - BASE_PATH=/downloads/

I have tried this with --searchbot searchook

I'm having the same issue - any luck resolving it?

I'm having it also - several months on. If the previous commenters are still reading this, did it clear up for you? Any settings you tweak? You abondon use?

It ended up being a Synology firewall rule problem in my case