
Running Docker image missing --name flag

GeorgelPreput opened this issue · 7 comments

When deploying and running the Docker image, the application fails and complains about not being given the --name parameter, as in the screenshot below. The Dockerfile indeed runs the application without that parameter:

ENTRYPOINT ["./openbooks", "server", "--dir", "/books", "--port", "80"]

In certain scenarios, such as cloud deployment directly from Docker Hub, it becomes rather convoluted to change this. Two suggestions for mitigation would be:

In the main app:

  • Either also read the name from the environment variables and only throw an error if the env var has also not been set
  • Or provide a default for the --name flag (such as "openbooks", or even generate one on the fly)



Same issue here, never happened before though

add the flag --name and invent any name and it will connect. Something like this:docker run -p 8080:80 evanbuss/openbooks --name randomcoolnickname

However, as of today I can't figure out what's blocking the connection and preventing the search function to work. I believe it has to do with the TLS or something of sorts.

Same - using unraid can't push a post-argument, only port path variable label or device...none of which are picked up by the container.

I got the same problem, docker run -p 8080:80 evanbuss/openbooks --name randomcoolnickname doesn't help.

same here
didn't help

I did find the answer for unraid:

You need to add:
At Post arguments in advanced mode

etuck commented

And if anyone is using a Docker Compose file the fix is to add a "command" attribute.

version: "3"
    container_name: openbooks
    image: evanbuss/openbooks:latest
      TZ: America/New_York
      - 8071:80
      - /path/to/openbooks:/books    
    command: --name CoolName --persist