
calendar not show on screen

sirlaurie opened this issue · 6 comments

Expected Behavior

showing calendar

Current Behavior

not showing

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

  1. git clone
  2. npm install
  3. npm start
  4. config


I start a web server on my own macos, config calendar source as, the web server showing my raspberry request calendar, but it not showing on screen

Your Environment

  • Environment name and version Raspberry Pi 3B+, node.js 10.20.1
  • Operating System: Raspbian

can u show the section of the ~/smart-mirror/config.json for calendar, like mine

  "calendar": {
    "icals": [
    "maxResults": 9,
    "maxDays": 9,
    "showCalendarNames": true

if u open a browser on your pi, can u access your local ics file and cause it to download? (I think you said yes above)
also check the module position config for calendar, and make sure Active is checked

@sdetweil below is my config

  "calendar": {
    "icals": [
    "maxResults": 9,
    "maxDays": 9,
    "showCalendarNames": true

and yes, I can directly download ics on raspberrypi from my own mac. also, I hava actived it on position config

I'm not sure if it matters that I locate in china mainland, as you may know, we have great firewall...

and pushed submit after making sure the checkbox is set to active
and the calendar code config is set to look forward only 9 days from today
"maxDays": 9,

are there any calendar entries in the next 9 days?

It works! cause there's no event in the next 9 days. thanks so much.

may ask I didn't have a dark sky account since it no longer accepting new signup, how should I config it with climacell api? I already have an account and got a key. I read docs, it only show how config with dark sky api.

you dropdown the type to pick climacell and put in the api key from them

same for openweather key