
String.reverse call in view in the text fields page is not idiomatic

kjivan opened this issue · 2 comments

Please fill in the following information:

  • My programming background is software engineer
  • I want to learn Elm because it looks like a great language and I want to get into web development
  • I was confused by the fact that you manipulate data in the view. Traditionally you try not to manipulate data in the view. I would think you would want to change data in the update method. However, in the text field explanation in the elm-guide you change data in the view. Maybe I am misunderstanding something or there is a reason why that would be preferred.

Note: The answers do not have to be super elaborate. I just need to understand who is confused and why. As I learn more about the readers, it is possible to revamp the book that addresses their concerns in a coherent way. Ultimately I must pick an audience, so it fundamentally cannot work for everyone. Choices must be made!

I think this question would work better for https://discourse.elm-lang.org or https://www.reddit.com/r/elm/ or https://elmlang.herokuapp.com where people can give more detailed feedback.

The short answer is that the customs and best practices in traditional MVC frameworks do not always translate directly into a functional setting for a big variety of reasons.

Thanks! I was thinking about it more and could see how this could go either way.