
Subrequest returned 404 for internal locations

kamikat opened this issue · 13 comments

Got following error trying to stream zip content from internal location:

mod_zip: a subrequest returned 404, aborting..., client: <Client-IP>, server: , request: "GET <API-Endpoint-Path> HTTP/1.1", subrequest: "/cache/<Path>", host: "<Hostname>", referrer: "..."

/cache is configured as internal location.

location /cache {
  alias ${CACHE_DIR};

Remove internal directive or downgrade mod_zip to 5b2604b fixes the problem.

@dimaryaz Any ideas on this one?

May be because of this -

sr->internal = 0;

Internal subrequest becames external and nginx returns 404 on it.

Sorry, just saw this. Will look into this now.

Ok, I think you're right; I can see how sr->internal = 0 would break things. It was a way around decoding/encoding URLs to fix #95, but I didn't fully understand what "internal" means in that context.

Some context for why I made that change in the first place: I'm using mod_zip with Amazon S3, but S3 does not handle URL encoding correctly. According to the RFC, "+" is a valid character in paths, so these two URLs are equivalent:

But, only the first one actually works.

Nginx will decode %2B to +, but not encode it back to %2B - which it has every right to do since they're equivalent. But, that means there is no way to fix both this bug and #95 without either 1) fixing S3 (not going to happen) or 2) changing Nginx to encode "+".

I'll see if Nginx developers would be ok with that; it's a stupid change, but harmless (short of breaking requests to other non-compliant web servers, I guess).

I think the only "correct" solution for mod_zip is to revert most of my change - though the old decoding of "+" was still incorrect.

I'll send out a PR.

But why you need to change subrequest type? May be there is a workaround without type change. We also using S3.
If you expain me your situation in detail and/or provide test configuration, i may debug it in my testing enviroment.

Sure, here's my situation. We have a backend that returns lines like this to mod_zip:

- size /region/bucket/path?signature=... filename

The path comes from boto3's generate_presigned_url, and can contain +s encoded as %2B.

Nginx is set up to forward /region/bucket/path to S3 (here's the actual config: https://github.com/quiltdata/quilt/blob/master/s3-proxy/nginx.conf#L26 )

The original mod_zip code marked the proxied request to /region/bucket/path as "internal", causing Nginx to encode it using ngx_escape_uri: https://github.com/nginx/nginx/blob/master/src/http/modules/ngx_http_proxy_module.c#L1191-L1196 So to avoid double-encoding, mod_zip would first decode the URL before giving it to Nginx - but, the decoding/encoding was causing the %2B->+->+ conversion. There's no way to avoid that if statement besides setting r->internal to 0, so that's why I did it.

Hopefully this makes sense. I'll try to come up with a simple test case.

@dimaryaz you get a encoded path in this (https://github.com/quiltdata/quilt/blob/master/s3-proxy/nginx.conf#L26) location, or it is beeing encoded inside proxy_pass?

It gets decoded to the point that it's impossible for us to use $s3_path later, and I had to do another if ($request_uri ~ ...) just to use $1: https://github.com/quiltdata/quilt/blob/master/s3-proxy/nginx.conf#L69-L73

It looks like a bug or at least a bad design in Nginx.

Using if is evil in Nginx because in most case it doesn't inherit some environment inside it - https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/depth/ifisevil/

But you may use lua to encode url for S3 in a proper way.

As for plus sign in S3 - this is architectural "bug", it is not fully compatible with the RFC and, in my opinion, Nginx developers won't change that behaviour.

Oh, yeah, I know all about the evils of "if"; I'll see if I can figure out how to use lua.

But, I finally have a simple test case, without "if"s, regexes, and so on.

Here's an nginx config (GitHub doesn't allow attaching .conf extensions - are you kidding me?):

events {

http {
    server {
        listen 3000 default_server;

        location / {
            proxy_pass '';

    server {
	listen 3001 default_server;

        location / {
            proxy_pass 'http://dimaryaz.s3.amazonaws.com';

	location /modzip/zip/ {
            add_header X-Archive-Files zip;
            proxy_pass 'http://dimaryaz.s3.amazonaws.com';

I'm using two servers in order to add the X-Archive-Files header - not sure if there's a simpler way.

I have the following S3 files:

Now, the simple zip file will always work:

$ curl http://localhost:3000/modzip/zip/simple.txt
Warning: Binary output can mess up your terminal. Use "--output -" to tell 
Warning: curl to output it to your terminal anyway, or consider "--output 
Warning: <FILE>" to save to a file.

The bug zip will not work without #96:

$ curl http://localhost:3000/modzip/zip/bug.txt
curl: (52) Empty reply from server

And the following shows up in the Nginx log: - - [10/Feb/2023:01:02:20 -0800] "GET /modzip/zip/bug.txt HTTP/1.0" 200 31 "-" "curl/7.85.0" - - [10/Feb/2023:01:02:20 -0800] "GET /modzip/a+b.txt HTTP/1.0" 403 243 "-" "-"
2023/02/10 01:02:20 [error] 78750#0: *1 mod_zip: a subrequest returned 403, aborting... while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET /modzip/zip/bug.txt HTTP/1.1", subrequest: "/modzip/a+b.txt", upstream: "", host: "localhost:3000" - - [10/Feb/2023:01:02:20 -0800] "GET /modzip/zip/bug.txt HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "curl/7.85.0"

Hopefully you can reproduce this now. If there's any workaround that works without #96, I'm happy to use it. (Will most likely still require removing this, though.)

Thank you for example, i will try to reproduce it in my env and figure out how to workaround it. In my opinion we shoudl keep #96 except this fix.

I have investigated and found two solutions:

  1. If we keep #96 so url is not unescaped by mod_zip, you may use $request_uri in proxy_pass directive:
server {
            listen 3000 default_server;
            location / {
                        proxy_pass '';
            location /modzip {
                        proxy_pass '$request_uri';
 server {
        listen 3001 default_server;
        location / {
                    proxy_pass 'http://dimaryaz.s3.amazonaws.com';
        location /modzip {
                    proxy_pass 'http://dimaryaz.s3.amazonaws.com$request_uri';
        location /modzip/zip/ {
                    add_header X-Archive-Files zip;
                    proxy_pass 'http://dimaryaz.s3.amazonaws.com';

request_uri contains unnormalized original uri from mod_zip module and it would not be escaped again by nginx

  1. We discard #96 except "space part". This it more complicated, you need to deal with "+" by yourself in lua. For examle like this:
location /modzip/ {
            set_by_lua_block $s3uri {
             local s3_uri, n, err = ngx.re.gsub(ngx.var.uri, "\\+", "%2B")
             if not s3_uri then
                  ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "error: ", err)
             return s3_uri
                    proxy_pass 'http://dimaryaz.s3.amazonaws.com$s3uri';

Thanks. I haven't actually tried installing the Lua module - seemed like a lot of work. But, at this point, I'm fine even using my own patch for Nginx's ngx_escape_uri.

I'll send out a PR that reverts #96, except for the space.