
Export types

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I would like to use the interfaces defined in express-joi-validation.d.ts.
Would be great if these were exported, even at the cost of a breaking change.

@dhessler can you provide an example of your desired use?

@evanshortiss you extended the express Request interface but did not export it. Which in effect creates such errors:

import { Request, Response, Router } from 'express'

function handle(req: Request, res: Response) {}

Router().get('/', handle)
//                ^^^ error, `Request` not compatible with new extended Request

@shilangyu @dhessler can you take a look at the 2.0 branch? It improves typings.

Here's the example usage. Note it uses a ValidatedRequest type, that extends express.Request:

import * as Joi from '@hapi/joi'
import {
} from 'express-joi-validation'
import { Router } from 'express'
import 'joi-extract-type'

const route = Router()
const validator = createValidator()
const querySchema = Joi.object({
  name: Joi.string().required()

interface HelloRequestSchema extends ValidatedRequestSchema {
  query: Joi.extractType<typeof querySchema>
  // You can add body, headers, etc. here

  (req: ValidatedRequest<HelloRequestSchema>, res) => {
    // req.query types are matching the HelloRequestSchema!
    res.end(`Hello ${req.query.name}`)

@shilangyu for your example, does using express.Request make a difference? I didn't get that error before, but will see can I recreate it using current master branch.

Yes 2.0 + joi-extract-type seems to be fixing typing issues ive been having. Looks great! Cant wait for the release!

@shilangyu fantastic 😄 I'll make a release later.

@shilangyu released as 2.0.0, please open an Issue if you have any trouble 👍