
Using `--define:process.env[\"SOME-TEST\"]=123` throws an error "Invalid identifier"

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esbuild: playground url:

There are some cases when using --define where identifiers need to be wrapped in quotes.

This is a minimal example of a case where this is needed.

npx esbuild --define:process.env[\\\"SOME-TEST-VAR\\\"]=123 test.js

(if you're using zsh, try this instead: npx esbuild --define:process.env\[\\\"SOME-TEST-VAR\\\"\]=123 test.js)

This will throw an error:

The define key "process.env[\"SOME-TEST-VAR\"]" contains invalid identifier "env[\"SOME-TEST-VAR\"]"

I've tried variations around quotes, but I can't get it to work. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?

evanw commented

Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?

Neither. This is a missing feature (but a reasonable one to add IMO). Support for these types of expressions has been added to --global-name but not yet to --define.

Woah that's awesome that you already added the feature, thank you very much!!