
Alliance shipping tool

Closed this issue · 3 comments

As a part of the roster I would like a shipping tool where alliance members can paste in EFT blocks or shopping lists and then have those items delivered too them by haulers in front. Think of this as a much more lightweight version of


Individuals will a front character will see all of the orders available. Orders have several stages. Open, claimed, in transit, delivered, completed.

Open: order has been made by a user and is visible to all members with frnt characters. These orders can be claimed

Claimed: once a hauler clicks on a "claim" button essentially dibs on the order is called. This dibs starts a (12hr?) timer. The hauler must purchase the order and create a courier contract in the timer window to advance to the next stage. If the contract is not created the order gets bounced back to the open pool.

In transit: contract has been created. Another timer starts (3d?) in which delivery must be completed. The user who ordered can see the order status in their open orders page.

Delivered: goods have been moved to the home station and contracted to the person ordering the goods

Completed: the person ordering the goods accepted the contract

This is pretty opened ended and I just wrote what I did above how I see it working but I'm certainly open to better ideas. A system like this will greatly help players when logistics is more difficult to come by.

I don't see how this is related to the roster at all, and Bespin is already pretty full of features.

@wffurr bloodstripes told me to add it to the Bespin release when I asked him about it. I really think this feature will help the alliance a huge amount. Similarly to the FC tools and forums etc. this feature isn't really closely related to a roster, but it will help the alliance a ton. The "roster" part of the roster is complete. It does (perfectly I might add, you guys are the best) all roster duties that we used to do by hand.

Closing because at this time this isn't quite useful. Maybe after more work in other areas and more thought this could be re-opened.