web3.exceptions.CannotHandleRequest: Could not discover provider while making request: method:eth_getCode
Opened this issue · 7 comments
I'm trying to run panoramix locally and, obviously, it wants a web3 provider in order to grab the bytecode from the chain. But I'm not seeing anything in the documentation about how to do that. Can you assist?
same problem here
in my local :
python3.8 panoramix.py 0x06012c8cf97bead5deae237070f9587f8e7a266d
web3.exceptions.CannotHandleRequest: Could not discover provider while making request: method:eth_getCode
params:['0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d', 'latest']
I believe you have to upgrade your Etherium. There was a bug on the old chain. You can no longer follow the gori chain I believe. Or the version 8. It has to be a new version
What do you mean by "upgrade yourEtherium" please ?
Is this project even alive? We could use some assistance using Panoramix locally to decompile contracts. I think the alternative is to deploy to Ropsten and use panoramix on Etherscan.
Is there any info about the project? AFAIK bscscan uses it to decompile the contracts, so it should work?...
Hey guys, also running into this issue. I think it is an issue with Web3 not being able to automatically discover the provider using the default method.
Please let me know if this helps any of you!
in pano/loader.py at 36th line calling web3.auto
u may changing it for
from web3 import Web3
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(INFURA_URL))
and make your own w3 instance