
Showing no entries

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hmm- something's changed in BB I think

I had to delete your Gemfile.lock and then run bundle install again, but then once I rake db:migrate and rake db:seed I'm seeing no entries still- which is the same thing that's happening when I'm trying to go through them.

Weird. Trying to figure out what's happening. I think its something with the .on events...

I think the problem is because 'reset' is no longer triggered:

"If anyone is having trouble with the collection's 'reset' event not triggering after calling this.collection.fetch(), it's because as of v1.0, the fetch() function only triggers the 'reset' event if you add {reset: true} as an option."

This example was tested with Backbone 0.9, I think in version 1 some things are change.
Do you want to mark this as resolved?